Friday, January 27, 2012

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Fridge Magnet boleh mengakibatkan kanser????

Anda suka kumpul fridge magnet?
Banyak kontes atau GA yang beri hadiah fridge magnet kan.
Aku sendiri pun memang sangat suka kumpul FM ni,
dah penuh pun pintu bahagian atas peti ais aku,
dah kena sambung bahagian bawah pulak.

Tapi baru sebentar tadi aku baca di Ini Blog Bui.
Entri bertajuk Fridge Magnet boleh sebabkan kanser..?
Baca terus jadi takut ok.
Banyak tu FM di fridge aku!!!

Tapi kemudian aku ambil keputusan untuk google pasal ni.
Aku jumpa dua forum membincangkan isu ini.
Pertamanya di sini.
Aku petik apa yang di tulis di situ.

A number of researchers at Princeton's University have discovered something scary!.

For several months, they were feeding two groups of mice: the first group with food kept in a refrigerator, and the second group with food kept in a refrigerator as well but with several decorative magnets on the door.

The objective of this experiment was to see how electromagnetic radiation (that coming out from the decorative magnets on the door) affect food items. Amazingly, rigorous clinical studies stated that the group of mice that consumed the "radiated" food had as much as 87% higher probability to get cancer than the other group of mice.

Inexplicably no Governments or health associations/institutions have given any statement on this regard. However and just in case, is recommendable to remove any decorative magnet from refrigerators, and put it far away from any food.
Well, since I have a little time today, I thought I would spend a little of it debunking this stupid e-mail.
1. There is NO SUCH STUDY by Princeton.
2. Magnets do NOT produce radiation.
3. Decorative magnets are permanent magnets with rather weak magnetic fields. If you slam your fridge's door hard enough, many will fall off. That's how weak they generally are.
4. The strength of magnetic fields decreases very rapidly with distance. In fact, placing a piece of cardboard between the magnet and the fridge door is usually enough to prevent the magnet from sticking to the door.
Therefore, how can decorative magnets have ANY effect on food stored in the refrigerator? Even if you attach a really strong magnet to the fridge door, the magnetic field will not extend far enough into the fridge to affect any food stored inside.
Also, magnetic fields have no discernable or permanent effects on the human body. We use extremely large and powerful magnets in MRI machines and barring the presence of magnetic substances in the body (implants, tattoo inks), it's extremely safe to use.
Interestingly, refrigerators use magnets to keep the doors closed, and their electric motors have magnets that generate electromagnetic fields. These are certainly closer in distance to the stored food, and stronger than any decorative magnet.
Finally, the reason why there is no statement about this "danger" by any government or health authority is because there is NO SUCH DANGER!
Don't let this e-mail put a dent in your creativity. Have fun decorating your fridge door with decorative magnet!__________________
Dr. Adrian Wong
Ok. Email yang di sebarkan mengenai ini katanya cuma scam.
Jumpa pula laman yang juga membincangkan isu ini.
Aku petik separuh Analisis yang di bincangkan dari quote yang sama.

Detailed Analysis

According to this widely circulated warning message, researchers at US based Princeton University have discovered that the ubiquitous decorative magnets that many people stick to their household refrigerator doors can have an adverse effect on the food stored inside and could therefore significantly increase the risk of cancer among householders that use the magnets. According to the message, "rigorous clinical studies" using two groups of mice showed that the mice who consumed “radiated” food from a refrigerator containing door magnets had up to 87% higher probability of getting cancer than the mice who ate food from a refrigerator without door magnets.

However, I could find no credible evidence whatsoever that confirms the claims in this warning message. There is no record of a study like the one described being conducted at Princeton University. I contacted Princeton University to enquiry about the supposed study and received the following reply from a university spokesperson:

To confirm, we are not aware of any such research affiliated with anyone at Princeton and unfortunately we do not know where or why this e-mail chain started.

We appreciate you informing your readers that this e-mail is a hoax.In fact, despite extensive research, I could not find any record of such a study being conducted at any major university.

Moreover, there is not a shred of credible evidence to suggest that the innocuous fridge magnet could possibly have such a detrimental impact on food stored inside a refrigerator. A typical refrigerator magnet is simply a small, low-strength permanent magnet. A permanent magnet is an item made from a magnetized material that creates its own persistent magnetic field. Other types of magnets rely upon electric currents to generate amagnetic field.

>>>Baca Lanjut
Lega rasa bila baca keterangannya di situ.
Tapi kan, bila baca salah satu komen yang orang tinggalkan di bawahnya, jadi kecut perut semula.

Klik image untuk paparan lebih jelas ya.
Komen itu menyatakan, seorang kawannya mati akibat kanser
dan kawannya itu memang pengumpul FM tegar.

Bila baca aku jadi was-was,
nak teruskan hobi aku kumpul fridge magnet ni atau tidak.
Tapi kalau dah di tadirkan kita dapat penyakit, apa pun boleh menjadi puncanya.
Semua itu sudah qada dan qadar dariNya.
Cuma bila tahu salah satunya mungkin dari hobi sendiri,
haruslah kita cuba jauhi dari benda tu kan.

Korang rasa macam mana setelah baca semua yang aku paparkan di sini?
Ada hati nak teruskan minat mengumpul FM ni?

p/s: pada yang suka kumpul FM tu, ambillah masa baca info ini ya. Dan sila beri pendapat anda...

~ يوس ~


  1. rara tak lah minat mak mentua suka sgt kumpul.hmm tak tau lah sbb tu boleh mati.mcm2 dorg ni.

  2. Oh ye ke? Hmmm..sekarang ni macam-macam la kak, susah nak cakap, mujurnya saya bukanlah peminat FM, kalau ada orang bagi saya letak, kalau takde, pun tak apa, senang kata, saya tak beli pun FM ni hehe

  3. Kakcik bukan peminat FM. Ada, adalah. Tak ada pun tak mengapa. Bab penyebab kanser tu, tak tahulah nak kata. :)

  4. Baru berangan2 nak kumpul FM masuk rumah baru....

  5. Yus,
    Kalau takut2 nak simpan FM tu, pass kat akak ok :-)

    Maybe boleh beli magnetic board yang jual kat IKEA. Gantung kat dinding. Pernah tengok orang beli tapi sendiri tak pernah jumpa pun kat IKEA.

  6. susah nak katakan yus.. akakpun peminat fm gak.. tapi rasanya penyebab kanserni macam2kan...

  7. tulah tak terpikir kan pun kak, info yang bermanfaat untuk kebaikan bersama

  8. kebetulan saja tu, kumpullah sampai bumbung2 peti ais tu letak, no problemlahh... skrg ni mmg mcm2, itu tak boleh, ini tak boleh.. urmmm..

  9. seram pula izan baca ni kak... wpun izan bukan pengumpul tegar FM, ada juga dpt FM cuma tak lekat kat peti ais je. simpan dlm kotak.


  11. mebi betul..utk pcegahan belilah whiteboard yg kecik leh gantung kt dinding n letak FM..huhu

  12. 1st time dgr nih..dah la papa mifz collect FM gak,huhu

  13. akak bukan pengumpul FM..cuma ada jugak sikit2 sebab anak2 yang beli...

  14. aduhh macamana ni? nk buang atau simpan semua FM tu? buntuu pula la boleh nk bg pendapat,akak rasa??

    tanya pendapat doktor pula la nanti

  15. haa tul tu yus ..
    kita redha aje lahh ..
    sbb kalau bukan kerana FM punn kita akan mati kalau dah ajal ..
    skrg nie , zaman ini x ada apa yg x jadi penyebab penyakit ..

    soo kita kena bersedia dan redha .. dlm pada itu kena usaha cegah lah kan kalau sah2 sesuatu itu memudaratkan .. tapi kes FM nie , no lahhh .. x masuk akal ;)

  16. Yus beli whiteboard dan lekatkan/susun. Then gantung di dinding mana2 ruangan rumah yg yus suka .. yus bolah buat salah satu hiasan dinding di rumah Yus..

    azi kumpul FM dan keychain.. utk keychain azi gantung di softboard yg warna coklat tu dan gantung diruangan makan..

  17. cma suka gak kumpul FM even seciput je koleksinye..

    Pasal FM punca kena kanser ni..x sure la pula..

  18. bukan penggemar tegar FM tapi kalau ada yang bagi ai amik, tapi anak2 yang merengek nak sebab dorang tengok kat rumah jiran ada, jadinya kenalah carikan untuk anak2..

  19. kami pon banyak FM kat peti tu... campur2 dgn org kasi... tapi cantik kan FN tu tepek kat fridge...

  20. dee pun suka kumpul dee rasa kebetulan pulak kalau org tu mati kerana kanser dan pd masa yg sama dia juga pengumpul FM..entahlah sis..tawakkal jelah..

  21. sgt2 menakutkan plk sbb umah fieda mmg berlambak fn kt fridge kita pikir positif jer la ye..

  22. n3 ni buat jue takut..yelah juekan
    " Home made PHOTO MAGNET" tapikan segal2nya di tangan ALLAH ....

  23. dah byk juga baca pasal ni...

    begintu juga dgn isu oven mikrowave..

    ade pesakit canser yg pernah claim dia memang pengguna mikrovawe yg tegar.. tp dlm pada ni, mikrowave terusan dijual & terusan di gunakan..

    & ade juga yg kena kanser, x penah ada mikrowave pun..


  24. Pertama kali dgr pasal ni..minta2 la tak betul..banyak gak FM kat peti ais tu huhu

  25. Saya sangat suka kumpul FM nie.. meh jenggah ke blog saya..:D

  26. bos ema ada cakap juga..tapi dia pun tak percaya

  27. gurlppp....alamakkkkkkkkkk dah la susu anak ada dlm fridge...magnet la kan kiranye punye nye....

  28. Yus, klau xnak FM tu boleh bg kat sy...hehehe

    Dah clearly mentionedkan no such studied has been made... not to be worried... :)

  29. takutla plak bila baca..walaupon bukan penggemar FM tp kalau ada tu sy tampal gaklah..

  30. walla .... tetiba terkejut dengan statement ni .... tengah duk cari cari fm yang menarik boleh dimiliki tiba tiba keluar issue ni ...

    tapi apa apa pun ... kalau dah ajal kan tak kumpul FM pun ajal juga ... if takut ... beli jer Board FM yang ada dijual di pasaran ... hehehehe tak yah nak tepek kat peti ais ... lagi selamat tak jatuh dan pecah sebab duk bukan pintu peti ais ...

    just sharing pendapat ... :P


Ada apa-apa nak tambah silalah tinggalkan jejak yer..Terima Kasih.


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